Choosing the right style for academic writing

Whoooh, once some big stuff got done, I can return to polishing some drafts. I need to change the style of a whole paper. I am going to do that in three steps using AI. First, I refresh my memory about writing styles. Here is a table listing them.

Writing StyleDescriptionExample with “I”Example with “We”
Active – PersonalUse first-person pronouns to highlight the author’s direct involvement.I have made calculations that show ideal catalysts can exist.We have made calculations that show ideal catalysts can exist.
Active – ImpersonalUses neutral subject (e.g., ‘this plot’, ‘this article’) to describe actions.The calculations show that ideal catalysts can exist.
Passive – EmphasisingFocus on the action rather than the actor, but maintain importance.Calculations have been made, showing that ideal catalysts can exist.
Passive – DiminishingDownplay the action and the results using the past simple tense.Calculations were made, and ideal catalysts could exist.
Perfect Tense – HighlightingUse present perfect to emphasise ongoing relevance or result of an action.I have made calculations, which show ideal catalysts can exist.We have made calculations, which show ideal catalysts can exist.
Past Tense – DiminishingUse simple past to minimise the impact or make the statement more tentative.I made calculations, and they suggest ideal catalysts could exist.We made calculations, and they suggest ideal catalysts could exist.
Conditional or DoubtfulUse conditional mood to express uncertainty or possibility.Calculations may suggest that ideal catalysts can exist.
Future CertaintyExpress actions or findings as a certain outcome in the future.Future calculations will confirm that ideal catalysts can exist.

Second, I analyse a dozen of articles from the targeted journal to identify its commonly used style. Third, I will play a bit with AI to see how my text can be rewritten. As I already have Zotero references in my text, I won’t copy-paste anything from the AI. Yet, I expect the AI assistance will save me some hours.