Updated colors for atoms in ASE in 2024 look like this:

For POV rendering there are several options: ASE2, ASE3, Glass, Glass2, Intermediate, JMOL, Pale, Simple, VMD. I like intermediate because it does not have an reflection and glare.

Updated colors for atoms in ASE in 2024 look like this:
For POV rendering there are several options: ASE2, ASE3, Glass, Glass2, Intermediate, JMOL, Pale, Simple, VMD. I like intermediate because it does not have an reflection and glare.
Working with cubes can be tedious. I need to show a change in electronic density of a MOF. For that I made two cubes for neutral and charged MOF. Then took their difference using cube_tools, like this.
import numpy as np
from cube_tools import cube
# Load the cube files using the cube class
cube1 = cube('mof_opt_0.0.cube')
cube2 = cube('mof_opt_2.0.cube')
# Subtract the data from cube1 from cube2
cube_diff = cube('mof_opt_2.0.cube')
cube_diff.data = cube2.data - cube1.data
# Get z-axis data and find indices where z > 13.3 (jellium density)
z_indices_above_threshold = np.where(cube_diff.Z > 13.3)[0]
# Remove densities above z = 13.3 by setting them to zero
for idx in z_indices_above_threshold:
cube_diff.data[:, :, idx] = 0
# Save the modified cube data to a new file
Once I have got the charge density difference and opened it in VMD, I realised that one part of my MOF is right at the border of a periodic cell, so that part of density was split. So, I used a terminal command to shift the cube like this “cube_tools -t -24 -36 0 cdd.cube”. I had to shift manually positions of the atoms by taking into account the voxels size. Next challenge was hiding half of my MOF to clear the view. So I used this tcl syntax in VMD:
vmd > mol clipplane normal 0 0 0 {1 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane center 0 0 0 {3 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane status 0 0 0 1
vmd > mol clipplane normal 0 1 0 {1 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane center 0 1 0 {3 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane status 0 1 0 1
vmd > mol clipplane normal 0 2 0 {1 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane center 0 2 0 {3 0 0}
vmd > mol clipplane status 0 2 0 1
Here is the result – density is almost homogeneously spread over my MOF upon charging.
GFN2-xTB [10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01176] is a strange model. I have been testing GFN1 and GFN2 on OOH adsorption on Pt(111). GFN1 from TBLITE with ASE works well. It converges and optimizes to meaningful structures. GFN2 however behaves odd in terms of convergence and optimization. For instance, O–H bond becomes broken. I have tested GFN2 also with xtb, for which the input is quite complicated in comparison to ASE inputs. Anyway, it worked only when I specified the periodic conditions in both xtb.inp and Pt-OOH.coord files. Then I executed xtb like this:
xtb Pt-OOH.coord --gfn2 --tblite --opt --periodic --input xtb.inp
P.S. You can see that Pt(111) surface corrugates in case of my 2×2 model. For wider models, the surface remains flat.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As I present, let me share the discovery of this year.
Ferdium is a program that combines all messengers in a single window! I tried to distinguish between work and life using different messengers for years. For work, I used fleep.io. Unfortunately, they decided to close all freemium accounts and raise the prices this year. So, I switched to other messengers and eventually mixed them up. Luckily, I found Ferdium! Just see my print screen – all messengers in one app:
Go to ferdium.org to get it.
By the way, Opera provides a similar functionality, but it does not have so many app in it. For example, it does not have Element.
Some time ago (in 2023), I linked Zotero with chatGPT by creating an environment with paper-qa and pyzotero like this:
conda create -n Zotero
conda activate Zotero
conda install pip
pip install paper-qa
pip install pyzotero
pip install bs4
That worked but felt way too complicated … like I am not going to use it on a daily basis. It also reminded me the very first experience with the Meta AI in late 2022 (which everyone already forgot).
Here is a much simpler recipe:
See how it works on my YouTube channel: youtu.be/4JSy2RsBLDE?si=Hbj7oq7gaOiq6END
These are undeservedly less attention to optimizers than density functionals (concerning Jacob’s ladder). It is not even covered in the recent review: Best-Practice DFT Protocols for Basic Molecular Computational Chemistry. At the same time, in my current projects, the most resource-demanding was geometry optimization – the time spent on optimizing structures was much longer than a single-point calculation. Papers that introduce new (AI-based) optimizers promise significant speed-up. However, there are always some problems:
ASE wiki lists all internal and some external optimizers and provides their comparison. I have checked the most promising on a high-entropy alloy slab.
Observation 1. QuasiNewton outperforms all other optimizers. Point. I have run a standard GPAW/DFT/PBE/PW optimization with various optimizers:
Observation 2. Pre-optimizing the slab with a cheaper method does not reduce the number of optimization steps. I have preoptimized the geometry with TBLITE/DFTB/GFN1-xTB to continue with GPAW/DFT/PBE/PW. Preoptimization takes just some minutes and the obtained geometry looks similar to the DFT one but that does not reduce the number of DFT optimization steps.
Optimizer | N steps* | Time$ | N steps*# | Total time# |
BFGS | 16 | 02:44:27 | 17 | 03:01:26 |
LBFGS | 15 | 02:30:35 | 16 | 02:55:04 |
BondMin | 12 | 02:46:27 | 13 | 02:45:07 |
GPMin | 12 | 05:26:23 | 31 | 08:14:22 |
MLMin | 38 | verylong | 28 | 12:31:29 |
FIRE | 38 | 05:06:56 | 44 | 05:56:54 |
QuasiNewton | 8 | 01:36:23 | 9 | 02:00:10 |
Note * – the printed number of steps might different from the actuall number of calculations because each calculator has a different way of reporting that number.
Note $ – the time between the end of the first and last steps.
Note # – started from the TBLITE/DFTB/GFN1-xTB preoptimized geometry.
N.B! I have done my test only once in two runs: starting with slab.xyz and preoptized geometry. Runs were on similar nodes and all optimizations were done on the same node.
Conclusion. Do not believe in claims in articles advertizing new optimizers – Run your tests before using them.
A practical finding. The usual problem with calculations that require many optimization steps is that they need to fit into HPC time limits. On the restart, ASE usually rewrites the trajectory. Some optimizers (GPMin and AI-based) could benefit from reading the full trajectory. So, I started writing two trajectories and a restart file like this.
# Restarting
if os.path.exists(f'{name}_last.gpw') == True and os.stat(f'{name}_last.gpw').st_size > 0:
atoms,calc = restart(f'{name}_last.gpw', txt=None)
parprint(f'Restart from the gpw geometry.')
elif os.path.exists(f'{name}_full.traj') == True and os.stat(f'{name}_full.traj').st_size > 0:
atoms = read(f'{name}_full.traj',-1)
parprint(f'Restart with the traj geometry.')
atoms = read(f'{name}_init.xyz')
parprint(f'Start with the initial xyz geometry.')
# Optimizing
opt = QuasiNewton(atoms, trajectory=f'{name}.traj', logfile=f'{name}.log')
traj= Trajectory(f'{name}_full.traj', 'a', atoms)
opt.attach(traj.write, interval=1)
def writegpw():
opt.attach(writegpw, interval=1)
opt.run(fmax=0.05, steps=42)
Here are some details on the tests.
My gpaw_opt.py for DFT calculations on 24 cores:
# Load modules
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.build import add_adsorbate, fcc100, fcc110, fcc111, fcc211, molecule
from ase.calculators.mixing import SumCalculator
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixedPlane, FixInternals
from ase.data.vdw_alvarez import vdw_radii
from ase.db import connect
from ase.io import write, read
from ase.optimize import BFGS, GPMin, LBFGS, FIRE, QuasiNewton
from ase.parallel import parprint
from ase.units import Bohr
from bondmin import BondMin
from catlearn.optimize.mlmin import MLMin
from dftd4.ase import DFTD4
from gpaw import GPAW, PW, FermiDirac, PoissonSolver, Mixer, restart
from gpaw.dipole_correction import DipoleCorrection
from gpaw.external import ConstantElectricField
from gpaw.utilities import h2gpts
import numpy as np
import os
atoms = read('slab.xyz')
atoms.set_constraint([FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.tag in [1,2]])])
# Set calculator
kwargs = dict(poissonsolver={'dipolelayer':'xy'},
gpts=h2gpts(0.18, atoms.get_cell(), idiv=4),
calc = GPAW(**kwargs)
#atoms.calc = SumCalculator([DFTD4(method='RPBE'), calc])
#atoms.calc = calc
# Optimization paramters
maxf = 0.05
# Run optimization
# 2.A. Optimize structure using MLMin (CatLearn).
initial_mlmin = atoms.copy()
mlmin_opt = MLMin(initial_mlmin, trajectory='results_mlmin.traj')
mlmin_opt.run(fmax=maxf, kernel='SQE', full_output=True)
# 2.B Optimize using GPMin.
initial_gpmin = atoms.copy()
gpmin_opt = GPMin(initial_gpmin, trajectory='results_gpmin.traj', logfile='results_gpmin.log', update_hyperparams=True)
# 2.C Optimize using LBFGS.
initial_lbfgs = atoms.copy()
lbfgs_opt = LBFGS(initial_lbfgs, trajectory='results_lbfgs.traj', logfile='results_lbfgs.log')
# 2.D Optimize using FIRE.
initial_fire = atoms.copy()
fire_opt = FIRE(initial_fire, trajectory='results_fire.traj', logfile='results_fire.log')
# 2.E Optimize using QuasiNewton.
initial_qn = atoms.copy()
qn_opt = QuasiNewton(initial_qn, trajectory='results_qn.traj', logfile='results_qn.log')
# 2.F Optimize using BFGS.
initial_bfgs = atoms.copy()
bfgs_opt = LBFGS(initial_bfgs, trajectory='results_bfgs.traj', logfile='results_bfgs.log')
# 2.G. Optimize structure using BondMin.
initial_bondmin = atoms.copy()
bondmin_opt = BondMin(initial_bondmin, trajectory='results_bondmin.traj',logfile='results_bondmin.log')
# Summary of the results
fire_results = read('results_fire.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using FIRE:',
lbfgs_results = read('results_lbfgs.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using LBFGS:',
gpmin_results = read('results_gpmin.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using GPMin:',
bfgs_results = read('results_bfgs.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using BFGS:',
qn_results = read('results_qn.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using QN:',
catlearn_results = read('results_mlmin.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using MLMin:',
bondmin_results = read('results_bondmin.traj', ':')
parprint('Number of function evaluations using BondMin:',
Initial slab.xyz file:
Lattice="8.529357696932532 0.0 0.0 4.264678848466266 7.386640443507905 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.190908217261956" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:tags:I:1 pbc="T T F"
Ir 0.00000000 1.62473838 10.00000000 5
Ru 2.81412943 1.62473838 10.00000000 5
Pt 5.62825885 1.62473838 10.00000000 5
Pd 1.40706471 4.06184595 10.00000000 5
Ag 4.22119414 4.06184595 10.00000000 5
Ag 7.03532356 4.06184595 10.00000000 5
Ag 2.81412943 6.49895353 10.00000000 5
Ru 5.62825885 6.49895353 10.00000000 5
Pt 8.44238828 6.49895353 10.00000000 5
Pt 0.00000000 0.00000000 12.29772705 4
Ag 2.81412943 0.00000000 12.29772705 4
Ru 5.62825885 0.00000000 12.29772705 4
Ru 1.40706471 2.43710757 12.29772705 4
Ir 4.22119414 2.43710757 12.29772705 4
Ag 7.03532356 2.43710757 12.29772705 4
Ag 2.81412943 4.87421514 12.29772705 4
Ir 5.62825885 4.87421514 12.29772705 4
Pd 8.44238828 4.87421514 12.29772705 4
Pd 1.40706471 0.81236919 14.59545411 3
Ir 4.22119414 0.81236919 14.59545411 3
Pt 7.03532356 0.81236919 14.59545411 3
Ag 2.81412943 3.24947676 14.59545411 3
Ir 5.62825885 3.24947676 14.59545411 3
Ir 8.44238828 3.24947676 14.59545411 3
Pd 4.22119414 5.68658433 14.59545411 3
Pt 7.03532356 5.68658433 14.59545411 3
Ag 9.84945299 5.68658433 14.59545411 3
Pd 0.00000000 1.62473838 16.89318116 2
Pd 2.81412943 1.62473838 16.89318116 2
Ag 5.62825885 1.62473838 16.89318116 2
Pt 1.40706471 4.06184595 16.89318116 2
Ag 4.22119414 4.06184595 16.89318116 2
Ag 7.03532356 4.06184595 16.89318116 2
Ru 2.81412943 6.49895353 16.89318116 2
Ru 5.62825885 6.49895353 16.89318116 2
Ru 8.44238828 6.49895353 16.89318116 2
Ir 0.00000000 0.00000000 19.19090822 1
Ag 2.81412943 0.00000000 19.19090822 1
Pt 5.62825885 0.00000000 19.19090822 1
Pd 1.40706471 2.43710757 19.19090822 1
Ag 4.22119414 2.43710757 19.19090822 1
Pd 7.03532356 2.43710757 19.19090822 1
Ag 2.81412943 4.87421514 19.19090822 1
Ru 5.62825885 4.87421514 19.19090822 1
Ir 8.44238828 4.87421514 19.19090822 1
My tblite_opt.py for DFTB calcualation with just one core. It takes some minutes but eventually crashes 🙁
# Load modules
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.build import add_adsorbate, fcc100, fcc110, fcc111, fcc211, molecule
from ase.calculators.mixing import SumCalculator
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixedPlane, FixInternals
from ase.data.vdw_alvarez import vdw_radii
from ase.db import connect
from ase.io import write, read
from ase.optimize import BFGS, GPMin, LBFGS, FIRE, QuasiNewton
from ase.parallel import parprint
from ase.units import Bohr
from tblite.ase import TBLite
import numpy as np
import os
# https://tblite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/ase.html
atoms = read('slab.xyz')
atoms.set_constraint([FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.tag in [1,2]])])
# Set calculator
calc = TBLite(method="GFN1-xTB",accuracy=1000,electronic_temperature=300,max_iterations=300)
qn_opt = QuasiNewton(atoms, trajectory='results_qn.traj', logfile='results_qn.log', maxstep=0.1)
To compare structures I have used MDanalysis, which unfortunately does not work with ASE traj, so I prepared xyz-files with “ase convert -n -1 file.traj file.xyz”
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis.rms import rmsd
import sys
def coord(file_name):
file = mda.Universe(f"{file_name}.xyz")
atoms = file.select_atoms("index 1:9")
return atoms.positions.copy()
An instruction on installation of GPAW. TBLITE can be installed as “conda install -c conda-forge tblite”.
Between installation with conda and compilation of libraries, an intermediate path – installation of GPAW with pip – is a compromise for those who wish to text specific GPAW branches or packages.
For example, I wish to text self-interaction error correction (SIC) and evaluate Bader charges with pybader. Neither SIC nor pybader is compatible with the recent GPAW. Here is not to get a workable version.
# numba in pybader is not compatible with python 3.11, so create a conda environment with python 3.10
conda create -n gpaw-pip python=3.10
conda activate gpaw-pip
conda install -c conda-forge libxc libvdwxc
conda install -c conda-forge ase
# ensure that you install the right openmpi (not external)
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi ucx
conda install -c conda-forge compilers
conda install -c conda-forge openblas scalapack
conda install -c conda-forge pytest
pip install pybader
# Get a developer version of GPAW with SIC
git clone -b dm_sic_mom_update https://gitlab.com/alxvov/gpaw.git
cd gpaw
cp siteconfig_example.py siteconfig.py
# In the siteconfig.py rewrite
fftw = True
scalapack = True
if scalapack:
libraries += ['scalapack']
unset CC
python -m pip install -e .
gpaw info
Choosing optimal k-points is a tricky task. In GPAW, one can set them manually, using size or density and following a rule of thumb:
calc = GPAW(kpts={'size': (4, 4, 4), 'gamma': True})
# or
calc = GPAW(kpts={'density': 2.5, 'gamma': True})
A rule of thumb for choosing the initial k-point sampling is, that the product, ka, between the number of k-points, k, in any direction, and the length of the basis vector in this direction, a, should be:
- ka ~ 30 Å, for d band metals
- ka ~ 25 Å, for simple metals
- ka ~ 20 Å, for semiconductors
- ka ~ 15 Å, for insulators
Remember that convergence in this parameter should always be checked.
The corresponding densities (ka/2π) are:
With the recent update, I can start using kplib (see paper) to choose the optimal generalized k-point grids. The main variable in kplib is min_distance, which is analogous to the density×2π. Read more about the min_distance at muellergroup.jhu.edu/K-Points.html.
Here is an example of my conda environment
conda create -n gpaw23 python=3.9
conda activate gpaw23
conda install -c conda-forge cxx-compiler
pip install kplib # from pypi.org/project/kpLib
conda install -c conda-forge gpaw
Here is a working example:
from ase import Atoms
from ase.parallel import parprint
from gpaw import GPAW, PW
from kpLib import get_kpoints
from pymatgen.io.ase import AseAtomsAdaptor
atoms = Atoms(cell=[[1.608145, -2.785389, 0.0], [1.608145, 2.785389, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 5.239962]],
symbols=['Ga', 'Ga', 'N', 'N'],
positions=[[ 1.608145 , -0.92846486, 2.61536983],
[ 1.608145 , 0.92846486, 5.23535083],
[ 1.608145 , -0.92846486, 4.58957792],
[ 1.608145 , 0.92846486, 1.96959692]],
structure = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(atoms)
kpts_data = get_kpoints(structure, minDistance=30, include_gamma=False)
parprint("Found lattice with kplib: ")
parprint(f"Nominal kpts: {kpts_data['num_total_kpts']}")
parprint(f"Distinct kpts: {kpts_data['num_distinct_kpts']}")
atoms.calc = GPAW(xc='PBE',
symmetry={'point_group': True,
'time_reversal': True,
'symmorphic': False,
'tolerance': 1e-4},
energy = atoms.get_total_energy()
parprint(f"Total energy: {energy}")
parprint(f"kpts passed to GPAW: {len(atoms.calc.get_bz_k_points())}")
parprint(f"kpts in GPAW IBZ: {len(atoms.calc.get_ibz_k_points())}")
[Updated on 20.04.2022, 15.04.2023, 10.06.2023, 03.10.2023, 04.06.2024]
In short, in a clean environment, everything should work with just five lines:
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Initialize conda. If it is in the .bashch, source it. If not, source “PATHTOCONDA/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh”.
conda create --name gpaw -c conda-forge python=3.12
conda activate gpaw
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi ucx
conda install -c conda-forge gpaw=24.1.0=*openmpi*
For details, see the description below.
1. Install conda – software and environment management system.
Here is the official instruction: docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/linux.html
On June 2024, run these:
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
If you wish to autostart conda, allow it to write to your .bashrc.
P.S. Here are good intros to conda:
N.B! If the locale is not set, add it to your .bashrc export
Without it python might give a segmentation fault (core dumped) error.
2. Create a conda virtual environment:
conda create --name gpaw -c conda-forge python=3.12
If needed, remove the environment as:
conda remove --name gpaw --all
You can check the available environments as:
conda env list
3. Activate the virtual environment.
conda activate gpaw
4. Install gpaw:
Ensure that no interfering modules and environments are loaded.
Purge modules by executing:
module purge
To check whether some code (like mpirun) has an alternative path, try:
which codename
codename --version
There should be no mpirun, ase, libxc, numpy, scipy, etc. Otherwise, the installation with conda will most probably fail due to conflicting paths.
4.1. It is safer to install using gpaw*.yml file from vliv/conda directory on FEND:
conda env create -f gpaw.yml
Note that there are many yml files with different versions of GPAW.
4.2. Pure installation is simple but might not work:
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi
conda install -c conda-forge gpaw=*=*openmpi*
In 2022, there were problems with openmpi. Downgrading to version 4.1.2 helped:
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi=4.1.2
You might wish to install ucx but be aware that there are many problems with it, e. g. depending on mlx version:
conda install -c conda-forge ucx
If you get an error about GLIBCXX, try upgrading gcc:
conda install -c conda-forge gcc=12.1.0
4.3. To quickly check the installation, run “gpaw -P 2 test” or “gpaw info”.
The installation might fail. In case you succeed, save the yml file as:
conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > gpaw.yml
Now you can use it to install gpaw as:
conda env create -f gpaw.yml
To properly test the installation install pytest and follow wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/devel/testing.html. That might take hours.
conda install -c conda-forge pytest pytest-xdist
5. If needed, install extra packages within your specific conda environment (gpaw).
To apply D4 dispersion correction:
conda install -c conda-forge dftd4 dftd4-python
To analyze trajectories:
conda install -c conda-forge mdanalysis
To analyze electronic density (some might not work):
pip install git+https://github.com/funkymunkycool/Cube-Toolz.git
pip install git+https://github.com/theochem/grid.git pip install git+https://github.com/theochem/denspart.git
pip install pybader
pip install cpmd-cube-tools
conda install -c conda-forge chargemol
To use catlearn:
pip install catlearn
To work with crystal symmetries:
conda install -c conda-forge spglib
Extra for visualization (matplotlib comes with ASE):
conda install -c conda-forge pandas seaborn bokeh jmol
To use notebooks (you might need to install firefox as well):
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab nodejs jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
6. Run calculations by adding these lines to the submission script:
Note1: Check the path and change the USERNAME
Note2: Turn off ucx.
Note3: You may play with the number of openmp threads.
module purge
source "/groups/kemi/USERNAME/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate gpaw
export OMPI_MCA_pml="^ucx"
export OMPI_MCA_osc="^ucx"
mpirun gpaw python script.py
Note4: Check an example in vliv/conda/sub directory.
7. Speeding-up calculations.
Add the “parallel” keyword to GPAW calculator:
parallel = {'augment_grids':True,'sl_auto':True},
For more options see wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/documentation/parallel_runs/parallel_runs.html#manual-parallel. For LCAO mode, try ELPA. See wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/documentation/lcao/lcao.html#notes-on-performance.
parallel = {'augment_grids':True,'sl_auto':True,'use_elpa':True},
For calculations with vdW-functionals, use libvdwxc:
xc = {'name':'BEEF-vdW', 'backend':'libvdwxc'},
8. If needed, add fixes.
To do Bayesian error estimation (BEE) see doublelayer.eu/vilab/2022/03/30/bayesian-error-estimation-for-rpbe/.
To use MLMin/NEB apply corrections from github.com/SUNCAT-Center/CatLearn/pulls
9. Something worth trying:
Atomic Simulation Recipes:
ase-notebook (won’t install at FEND because of glibc 2.17):
gpaw benchmarking:
d4 parameters fitting:
k-point grid choosing:
see https://www.nano-editor.org/dist/latest/cheatsheet.html
to undo
to start a selection
to indent the selection