First, when advanced spell checking is needed, the LaTeX
could be converted to plain-text using: detex filename > filename.txt
(note the omission of .tex extension).
Most LaTeX
distributions come with detex
program which simply strips LaTeX
Second, when working with vector figures it might be a good idea to convert all texts to paths. Remember that eps-format does not support transparency.
Third, in order to count words in the final pdf-file use pdftotext filename.pdf - | tr -d '.' | wc -w
. This will return the number of words in our file.
Finally, to generate a pdf-file that is acceptable by manuscriptcentral add \pdfminorversion 4
to your LaTeX
Otherwise, if you use pdflatex
to produce your pdf-file, manuscriptcentral will give a notice “failed to convert to the appropriate pdf”. Read this blog-post for details.