Oriental fonts in Ubuntu


for i in fonts-kacst fonts-kacst-one fonts-khmeros-core fonts-lklug-sinhala fonts-guru fonts-nanum fonts-noto-cjk fonts-takao-pgothic fonts-tibetan-machine fonts-guru-extra fonts-lao fonts-sil-padauk fonts-sil-abyssinica fonts-tlwg-* fonts-lohit-* fonts-beng fonts-beng-extra fonts-gargi fonts-gubbi fonts-gujr fonts-gujr-extra fonts-kalapi fonts-lohit-gujr fonts-samyak-* fonts-noto-unhinted fonts-noto-hinted fonts-navilu fonts-nakula fonts-orya-extra fonts-pagul fonts-sahadeva fonts-sarai fonts-smc fonts-telu-extra fonts-wqy-microhei; do
sudo apt purge -y $i

echo “==== Fixing font cache”
sudo fc-cache -f -v && sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig

echo “==== Packages remained (each containing multiple fonts)”
dpkg -l fonts*|grep ^ii|awk ‘{print $2}’

read -p “Press any key to close.”

Installing the metalwalls

Here is a quick and dirty instruction for installation of the metalwalls code.

Download the source code using https protocol:

git clone https://gitlab.maisondelasimulation.fr/amarinla/mw2.git

You will be prompted for your username and password.

Preinstall gfortran and openmpi. Then copy compile.something.mk from the computer directory to the mw2 folder as compile.mk. Add a line “FPPFLAGS := -DMW_USE_MPI”. Comment the path to the pFUnit package.

Execute make.

Go to tests directory and execute tests:

python regression_tests.py -s nist

python regression_tests.py -s nacl

python regression_tests.py -s lammps

MD simulation of BMPyrDCA between graphene walls

Simple demonstration of a molecular dynamics simulation of 408 BMPyrDCA ionic pairs between two graphene walls.

Inputs (packmol.inp, STEEP.mdp, RUN.mdp, topol.top) and force field parameters: github.com/vilab-tartu/LOKT.02.048/tree/master/MD_Gr-BMPyrDCA_pbc. The force fields are taken from github: github.com/vladislavivanistsev/RTIL-FF. References are given within the files.

Continue reading “MD simulation of BMPyrDCA between graphene walls”

MD simulation of bulk BMPyrDCA ionic liquid

Simple demonstration of a molecular dynamics simulation of 25 BMPyrDCA ionic pairs in a box.

Inputs (packmol.inp, STEEP.mdp, RUN.mdp, topol.top) and force field parameters: github.com/vilab-tartu/LOKT.02.048/tree/master/MD_BMPyrDCA_box. The force fields are taken from github: github.com/vladislavivanistsev/RTIL-FF. References are given within the files.

Continue reading “MD simulation of bulk BMPyrDCA ionic liquid”

Transpose paste

Despite python etc we still heavily rely on the tables. Sometimes it is need to transpose a vertical data-set to a horizontal representation. That is easy. In LibreOffice Calc use special paste (Shift+Ctrl+v) and tick transpose and numbers. One can do similar trick in Excel. That is it.

Some useful notes about LaTeX

First, when advanced spell checking is needed, the LaTeX could be converted to plain-text using: detex filename > filename.txt (note the omission of .tex extension).
Most LaTeX distributions come with detex program which simply strips LaTeX commands.

Second, when working with vector figures it might be a good idea to convert all texts to paths. Remember that eps-format does not support transparency.

Third, in order to count words in the final pdf-file use pdftotext filename.pdf - | tr -d '.' | wc -w. This will return the number of words in our file.

Finally, to generate a pdf-file that is acceptable by manuscriptcentral add \pdfminorversion 4 to your LaTeX-source.
Otherwise, if you use pdflatex to produce your pdf-file, manuscriptcentral will give a notice “failed to convert to the appropriate pdf”. Read this blog-post for details.